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Badin Hall Traditions

An SYR is an informal dance which got its name from a historic tradition to Set-up Your Roommate. While this tradition is now rarely practiced, each dorm still participates in a themed dance once a year. Get ready for an ugly sweater christmas party, a western rodeo, pajamas in the bahamas, or another fun theme for this year's dance!



In addition to an informal SYR dance, each dorm hosts a formal dance once a school year. Aside from hall formals, dorms that win Hall of the Year participate in a special formal inside the main building called Dome Dance. Badin Hall had the privilege of attending Dome Dance as Women's Hall of the Year in 2001-2002 and 2006-2007 and as Hall of the Year in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. Let's see if we can win again this year! Go Bullfrogs!!



Every dorm holds a signature event to bring together the Notre Dame community and to raise money for a local cause. Badin hosts the Polar Bear Plunge in Saint Joseph's Lake to raise money for St. Margaret's House, a women's shelter in South Bend, and our sister charity. Badin also runs the Badin Bake-Off, where dorms donate homemade baked goods and all the profits go to St. Margarets!

Signature Event

Signature Event

Founder's Week (Fall) and Frog Week (Spring) are spirit weeks celebrating the history of Badin, complete with hall events every day of the week. Frog Week ends with our very own Ms. Bullfrog competition to crown our contestant for O'Neill Hall's annual Ms. ND Pageant.

Founder's Week & Frog Week

Founder's Week & Frog Week

To welcome our tadpoles into our community, bullfrogs have the opportunity to sign up for Badin Bigs & Littles which pairs upperclassmen with younger students. Aside from attending Big/Little events throughout the school year, students who participate know they have a mentor and friend in the Badin community. We ❤ our Badin Bigs & Littles!

Badin Bigs & Littles

Badin Bigs & Littles

While this isn't necessarily a Badin Hall tradition, we do have to brag about the recent success of our dorm's interhall flag football team. The Badin Hall flag football team has competed in the interall flag football championship at Notre Dame stadium, most recently in seasons 2019-2020 & 2021-2022.